I am bad at winter cycle maintenance and it costs me

Ruario's Journal [extract] § 2023-11-20 @10:40 +0100

The frame on my 26" wheeled unicycle is now permenantly stuck to the seat post. This is a problem because it is one of the unicycles I use in the winter and I adjust the crank length to deal with different conditions in the snow. Longer cranks make for a slower ride but give better traction and balance at low speed. This is great for deeper snow. If it is just a light dusting however I run short (fast) cranks. When you adjust the crank length on a unicycle you have to adjust the seat height to match.

Anyway, I had this happen once before because I did not look after it in the winter and rust took hold. Last time a lot of hammering allowed me to eventually unfree it but not before I had initially given up and restorted to buying a new frame (and seat post). In the end this was OK as when I did eventually free it I built up two unicycles instead (one with the old frame and one with the new one).

You would think I would have learnt my lesson but obviously not… so I have ordered another frame (and seatpost). Nothing fancy just a relatively cheap steel frame but an additional €112 (after shipping and everything), that I did not need to spend. But this is the last time I will make this mistake (probably).

📝 Journal [complete]
